What our partners say
We use Comms Mundi as part of our VoIP core network to provide IVR and call center services to our customers. The impressive flexibility and simplicity allows for unprecedented rollout of initial time records and stability.

Wireless Mundi has COMMS MUNDI, an incredible product in each of its modules, from the Basic System, Monitoring, Telephony Service, Virtualization, Advanced Networking, IP Security that alone or together make an incredible solution to meet the customer's need. The project is always backed by Wireless Mundi, offering unsurpassed pre and post sales support.

As a small cable Internet provider, we use a single Comms Mundi server to provide VoIP to thousands of users. The compatibility with the main operators is perfect, and we enjoy the great help provided by WIRELESS MUNDI

Our company offers wireless access to hundreds of customers. Starting with Comms Mundi's authentication and routing modules, we have been able to add new added value for our users (email and VoIP) with the click of a button.

Being sheltered by Wireless Mundi means satisfaction and peace of mind. Not only technically, with its fantastic Comms Mundi integrated solution it can cover hundreds of ICT projects; also at the support level they are at the most demanding of heights, with a top-level engineering and assistance staff.